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黑棘鲷(Acanthopagrusschlegelii)是广泛分布于西北太平洋的暖温性中下层经济鱼类,也是我国沿海重要的海洋捕捞鱼类和增养殖对象。然而,目前有关黑棘鲷的微卫星标记研究报道较少,难以对其种质资源状况作出精确评估。本研究采用SLAF-seq技术测序共获得22489个二至六碱基重复的黑棘鲷微卫星序列,短重复序列(二、三碱基)占总微卫星序列的90.8%,长重复序列(四至六碱基)占有9.2%。经过157对随机合成引物的多态性筛选,开发出49个高多态性的黑棘鲷微卫星标记,其中短重复序列位点有25个,长重复序列位点有24个。每个位点的等位基因数(Na)为2—20(均值为8.3),观测杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.097—0.938和0.122—0.922(均值分别为0.663和0.701),多态信息含量(PIC)为0.118—0.897(均值为0.655)。经Bonferroni校正后,有47个位点符合哈迪-温伯格平衡(HWE),各位点间未检测到连锁不平衡现象,仅2个位点偏离HWE。结果表明,所开发的大部分微卫星标记具有高多态性,蕴含的遗传信息含量较为丰富,能够为黑棘鲷的种群遗传资源评估提供数量充足、类型多样的有效分子标记。跨物种扩增结果显示,有43个黑棘鲷微卫星标记可在9种鲷科鱼类中成功扩增,其中28个标记在太平洋棘鲷(Acanthopagruspacificus)、黄鳍棘鲷(Acanthopagruslatus)和澳洲棘鲷(Acanthopagrusaustralis)中具有较好的通用性,2个标记在平鲷(Rhabdosargussarba)、蓝点赤鲷(Pagruscaeruleostictus)、真赤鲷(Pagrusmajor)、二长棘犁齿鲷(Evynnis cardinalis)及黄牙鲷(Dentex hypselosomus)中具有通用性。这些通用性标记可为阐明鲷科属、种间的系统进化关系和棘鲷属鱼类的群体遗传学分析提供新的标记来源和研究角度。  相似文献   
长牡蛎基因组微卫星引物的开发和特性描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长牡蛎于20世纪80年代从日本引进中国.在我国,长牡蛎已经成为重要的贝类养殖产业之一.本实验从全基因组上筛查微卫星序列,在微卫星筛查的范围、数目和类型上是传统的富集文库法开发微卫星所无法比拟的.利用基因组微卫星序列总共设计了104对引物,54对引物能扩增出目的片段,其中有34对引物显示多态性扩增,占32.7%,20对引...  相似文献   
古湖岸线是历史时期湖平面与古陆地的交线,是陆上和水下沉积的分界线。确定古湖岸线的位置对于油气勘探起着重要的指导作用。在利用泥岩颜色、泥岩X衍射分析以及自然伽马曲线特征等常规湖岸线识别方法的基础上,从有机岩石学分析的全新角度认识研究区盒8段沉积环境,确定了盒8期古湖岸线具体位置及湖岸线摆动区。沉积盆地中古湖岸线控制了优质储集层的形成与发育,由于砂岩粒度、软岩屑含量、填隙物组成的差异以及后期成岩作用导致水上沉积带砂岩物性要优于岸线摆动沉积带和水下沉积带砂岩。  相似文献   
The signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) is a native species to North America. It was introduced to Europe and Japan where it rapidly spread as an invasive species. In Croatia, it is recorded in the rivers Mura and Drava, where it spread downstream from Slovenia, and in the Korana River, where it has been recently illegally introduced. In the invaded areas, signal crayfish outcompetes native crayfish species. Since the knowledge on the genetic diversity of this invasive species is limited, microsatellite markers and sequences of mitochondrial gene for 16S rRNA were analysed to explore the genetic relations between the two Croatian populations (Mura and Korana rivers) as well as their relation to other already studied European populations. Moreover, 16S rRNA sequence fragments of Croatian samples were compared with those from the native range in the west North America. Morphometric characteristics were also studied to determine if there are significant differences between studied populations and if these are concordant with the genetic analyses results. Also, morphometric data were used to assign Croatian signal crayfish into subspecies classification according to Miller’s discriminant function formula, and to compare claw surface area among Croatian, Japanese and North American populations. Based on the results of morphometric characteristics Croatian samples showed Pacifastacus leniusculus leniusculus-like morphology. Phylogenetic reconstruction based on 16S rRNA, positioned Croatian samples into P. leniusculus sensu Larson et al. (2012). Results on microsatellite markers showed that the genetic diversity of P. leniusculus in the Mura River population is slightly higher compared to the Korana River population, but these two populations do not form separated genetic clusters. This study contributes to the knowledge on genetic variability and morphometric characteristics of signal crayfish in Europe and further understanding of its success as an invasive species.  相似文献   
The biogeochemistry of organic matter in a macrotidal estuary, the Loire, France, has been studied for two years during different seasons. Both particulate matter and sediment have been sampled in the riverine zone, in the maximum turbidity zone and in the ocean near the river mouth. Two techniques have been used: carbon isotopic ratio determination and analysis of lipid-marker signatures in the n-alkane, n-alkene and fatty acid series. For the period corresponding to the output of the maximum turbidity zone in the ocean, the complete change of organic matter, continental in nature in the inner estuary, pure marine in the outer estuary is well illustrated by the decrease of δ13C values and of carbon preference index of n-alkanes. Input sources of organic matter by continental plants, plankton and micro-organisms are discussed from biogeochemical-marker analyses data along with the processes of accumulation of particles and their evolution with the season. Some criteria for evidencing the nature of various organic-matter pools are assessed and compared in different chemical-marker series as follows: high molecular weight n-alkanes and fatty acids, perylene for continental imprints, polyunsaturated 18-, 20- and 22-carbon fatty acids, n-C17, n-alkenes and squalene for algae imprints, branched iso and anteiso fatty acids, Δ11-C18:1 for microbial imprints.  相似文献   
根据自行分离的翘嘴鳜微卫星序列(GenBank登录号:DQ789247-DQ789306)设计并合成20对微卫星引物,对鳜属鱼类4个物种即翘嘴鳜、大眼鳜、斑鳜和暗鳜共80个个体进行了物种鉴定分析.结果表明,20对微卫星引物共检测到293个等位基因,大小在80-301bp之间.它们在4个物种中的多态性位点百分率分别为90%、75%、85%和85%,累积个体识别率和非父排除率均达到0.9999,属于高识别力的微卫星遗传标记系统,可以用来进行鳜属鱼类物种的鉴定分析.UPGMA聚类分析表明,翘嘴鳜与暗鳜之间亲缘关系最近,可归属于第Ⅰ类;大眼鳜为第Ⅱ类;斑鳜独自为第Ⅲ类.本研究可为鳜属鱼类的分类及进化关系、群体遗传结构分析等提供理论支持,为野生原种鳜类遗传多样性的监测和评估以及鳜类优良的种质资源得到合理保护和开发利用奠定基础.  相似文献   
采用RAPD技术 ,分析了日照、厦门沿海花鲈两群体的遗传多样性水平。结果表明 ,31条随机引物共扩增出两地花鲈 45 5条RAPD标记带 ,其中日照群体占 2 63条 ,厦门群体为1 92条 ;45 5条中有 1 84条带为两群体共有。日照群体内遗传相似度I为 0 892 8(差异度为0 1 0 72 ) ,厦门群体I为 0 92 2 5 (差异度为 0 0 775 ) ,而两者群体间的遗传相似度I为 0 8338(遗传距离D =0 1 662 )。两地花鲈在基因组DNA水平上存在较大的遗传差异。利用随机引物S1 1、S42、S45、S5 2和S2 0 3,在花鲈两群体间扩增出 8条稳定、明显的群体间特异性标记带  相似文献   
采用微卫星遗传标记技术对山东近海牙鲆自然群体和养殖群体的遗传多样性进行了研究。实验所用牙鲆于2003年5月分别采自山东近海和青岛胶南养鱼场,各20尾,取全血或肌肉组织,以酚-仿抽提方法提取基因组DNA,利用筛选获得的10对微卫星引物进行PCR扩增,反应产物经8%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离、EB显色,用ImageMasterl D Elite(Version 3.01)软件分析电泳结果,并计算了相应的遗传学参数。结果表明,在自然和养殖群体中,10个基因座位的等位基因平均数(α)分别为6.7和6.1,每个基因座位有效等位基因数(αe)分别为1.8—6.8和2.5—6.7,群体平均杂合度(H)分别为0.8120和0.7310;两个群体间的遗传相似性系数、遗传距离和基因分化系数为0.8558、0.1557和0.0558;自然群体内每个座位上的多态信息含量(PIC)为0.59—0.84、个体识别率(DP)为0.54—0.86、非父排除率(PPE)为0.41—0.72,其累积个体识别率和非父排除率均达到0.9999,表明所选座位属中高识别力的遗传标记,可以将它们应用于今后牙鲆雌核发育群体的遗传变异分析以及进一步的遗传育种的研究中。  相似文献   
皱纹盘鲍野生与养殖群体微卫星标记遗传变异研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
采用7个微卫星标记对辽宁大连、山东烟台、荣城、崂山和胶南5个皱纹盘鲍养殖群体,以及山东长岛、荣城、日本岩手、韩国仁川4个皱纹盘鲍野生群体进行了群体遗传多样性与遗传分化的研究.结果表明,从等位基因数与杂合度上分析,养殖群体(N=8.0~9.4,He=0.754~0.787)遗传多样性显著低于野生群体(N=11.3~15.0,He=0.821~0.866);等位基因频率分布揭示出野生群体中一些稀有等位基因在养殖群体中有所丢失;亲鲍选用数量少与性别比例不均衡可能是产生养殖群体中遗传多样性显著减少的原因.通过对等位基因频率比较分析,5个养殖群体之间以及养殖群体与野生群体之间观察到显著差异的Fst与Rst值,野生群体之间日本群体Fst与Rst值与其他3个野生群体差异显著,群体间存在遗传分化;养殖群体间遗传距离与地理距离不相关,可能是皱纹盘鲍育苗过程中亲鲍和苗种频繁交流所造成的结果;日本群体与其他3个野生群体间存在显著遗传分化与皱纹盘鲍短暂的浮游期与有限的扩散能力有关.  相似文献   
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